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Yakov Ben-Haim, 2018, Dilemmas of Wonderland: Decisions in the Age of Innovation, Oxford University Press. isbn 978-0-19-882223-3. Description. Click for reviews. Beloit College Magazine. Publisher’s website and flyer and OUP blog. Technion community link to the book.

Yakov Ben-Haim, 2010, Info-Gap Economics: An Operational Introduction, Palgrave-Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-23022-804-7 Description and endorsements.

Yakov Ben-Haim, 2006, Info-Gap Decision Theory: Decisions Under Severe Uncertainty, 2nd edition, Academic Press, London, ISBN 0-12-373552-1. Description and reviews. More information at Informative flyer.

Yakov Ben-Haim, 1996, Robust Reliability in the Mechanical Sciences, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-61058-8. Link to listing on
Abstract, description and excerpts of reviews
Robust reliability is a new non-probabilistic theory of reliability of mechanical systems. It is based on convex information-gap models of uncertainty which express the gap between what is known and what needs to be known. Robust reliability is particularly suited to the types of fragmentary information characteristic of mechanical systems and structures.
The book is designed as an upper-level undergraduate or first-year graduate text of robust reliability of mechanical systems. It gives the student or engineer a working knowledge of robust reliability which will enable him to analyse the reliability of mechanical systems. Each chapter is introduced with a brief conceptual survey of the main ideas, which are then developed through examples. Problems at the end of each chapter give the reader the opportunity to strengthen his understanding.
Chapter 1: Preview of Robust Reliability
Chapter 2: Convexity and Uncertainty
Chapter 3: Robust Reliability of Static Systems
Chapter 4: Robust Reliability of Time-Varying Systems
Chapter 5: Fault Diagnosis, System Identification and Reliability Testing
Chapter 6: Reliability of Mathematical Models
Chapter 7: Convex and Probabilistic Models of Uncertainty
Chapter 8: Robust Reliability and the Poisson Process
Chapter 9: Last But Not Final
From Reviews of Robust Reliability in the Mechanical Sciences
“The book may be well recommended to all scientists, practicing engineers and students who are interested in reliability of mechanical systems.” Prof. L.Fryba, Czech Academy of Sciences. From Journal of Sound and Vibration.
“[A] particularly strong feature of the book is its extensive discussion of the motivation for developing robust reliability as a powerful alternative to the classical reliability theory.” Prof. George J. Klir, Binghamton University — SUNY. From International Journal of General Systems.
“Ben-Haim’s stimulating and elegantly written book should make it possible to develop pilot applications for testing and assessment by potential users — designers, code writers, insurers, and regulatory agencies. Given the incontestable limitations of other approaches, the approach developed by Ben-Haim should, in my opinion, be given thoughtful and informed consideration as a possibly useful complementary tool for investigating selected structural reliability problems.” Dr. Emil Simiu, NIST Fellow, National Institute of Standards and Technology. From Structural Safety.
“Robust reliability methods are very useful for problems in which little information is available … [which] is the case with many real life problems. Therefore, every reliability engineer should have these methods handy in his toolbox.” Prof. E. Nikolaides, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. From Structural Optimization.

Yakov Ben-Haim and Isaac Elishakoff, 1990, Convex Models of Uncertainty in Applied Mechanics, Elsevier Science Publishers, ISBN 0-444-88406-8.
Description and excerpts of reviews
Chapter 1: Probabilistic Modelling: Pros and Cons
Chapter 2: Mathematics of Convexity
Chapter 3: Uncertain Excitations
Chapter 4: Geometric Imperfections
Chapter 5: Concluding Remarks
From Reviews of Convex Models of Uncertainty in Applied Mechanics
“This book deals with a fundamental problem in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences. … This book is written with clarity and contains original and important results for the engineering sciences.” Prof. P.D. Panagiotopoulous. Thessaloniki-Aachen. From SIAM Review.
“The book develops a novel idea. … [T]he study can be an inspiration for further research, and provides excellent applications in design.” Prof. Gundo A. Naiboli, Iowa State University. From Applied Mechanics Reviews.
“The book is clearly written and contains many examples illustrating convex modelling. … This is a timely and welcome book.” Prof. Kazimierz Sobczyk, Warsaw. From Mathematical Reviews
“Their book is timely, even overdue, and should be widely welcomed. … Their approach is novel and highly welcome. In my opinion, it is inevitable that it, and its extensions, will dominate the future practice of engineering.” Prof.-Emeritus Rudolf F. Drenick, Polytechnic Institute of New York. From the Foreword.

Yakov Ben-Haim, 1985, The Assay of Spatially Random Material, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 90-277-2066-5. Link to listing on
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Deterministic Design I: Conceptual Formulation
Chapter 3: Deterministic Design II: General Formulation
Chapter 4: Probabilistic Interpretation of Measurement
Chapter 5: Probabilistic Design
Chapter 6: Adaptive Assay
Chapter 7: Some Directions for Research