Invited and public lectures

  • Info-gap theory: Overview and examples, 19 February 2025, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver. Abstract.
  • Info-gap theory: An overview, 25 November 2024, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tufts University, Boston, MA. Abstract.
  • Info-gap methodology for the robustness of dose fraction schemes, 1st Annual Meeting of the Israel Radiotherapy Group (ISTRO), Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center – Ichilov, 14.10.2024. Abstract.
  • Innovation Dilemmas: An Info-Gap Perspective, With Application to Water Supply Design, FEMTO-ST Institute, Department of Applied Mechanics, University of Franche-Comte, Besancon, France, 3 October 2024. Abstract.
  • Decisions! Decisions! Decisions! From Raising Children to Formulating Military Strategy (in Hebrew), Or Hadash Congregation, 17 June 2024 at 18:00. Abstract.
  • Threats and Opportunities: Intelligence Analysis for Managing and Exploiting Uncertainty (in Hebrew), Institute for Research on the Methodology of Intelligence, Glilot, Israel, 2 May 2024. Abstract.
  • Ethics and uncertainty: An info-gap approach (in Hebrew), Or Hadash Congregation, Haifa, 4.4.2024. Abstract.
  • Dilemmas of robustness, opportuneness and informativeness: Implications for intelligence analysis, Israeli Forum for Intelligence Studies, Bar Ilan University, 11 March 2024. Abstract.
  • Threats and opportunities: Intelligence analysis for managing and exploiting uncertainty,  Military Operations Research Society, 30 November 2023. Abstract. Remotely by zoom.
  • Innovation Dilemmas: An Info-Gap Perspective, With Application to Water Supply Design, Sde Boker, 15 November 2023, Abstract.
  • Managing Uncertainty in Decision Making for Conservation Biology, Samuel Neaman Institute, Technion, 7.5.2023. Abstract.
  • Strategic planning for defense and security: An info-gap approach, Netherlands Defense Academy, Breda, Netherlands, 14 February 2023.
  • Threats and opportunities: Intelligence analysis for managing and exploiting uncertainty, International Studies Association Annual Conference, 15-18 March 2023, Montreal, Canada.
  • Earthquake vulnerability reduction by building a robust social-emotional preparedness program (in Hebrew), Homeland Front Conference, Lod, Israel, 27 December 2022. Short lecture.
  • Threats and Opportunities: Intelligence Analysis for Managing and Exploiting Uncertainty, The Future of War Conference, Amsterdam, 5–7 October 2022.
  • Deep Uncertainty and Economic Policy: Challenges and Responses, The Netherlands Central Bank, Amsterdam, 3 October 2022. Abstract.
  • Info-Gap Theory: An Overview, FEMTO-ST Institute, Universite de Franche-Comte, Besancon, France, 28 September 2022. Abstract.
  • Info-Gap Theory: An Overview, Faculté de Médecine St Antoine, 22 September 2022. Abstract.
  • Uncertainty, probability, and ignorance: An Info-Gap Analysis of Ellsberg’s Paradox, 1 June 2022, University of Bristol, UK. Abstract.
  • Strategic Planning for Acute Adverse Multi-Site Events: An Info-Gap Analysis, University of Oxford, 20 May 2022. Abstract.
  • Interpreting Averages, 19 May 2022, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Durham University, Durham, UK. Abstract.
  • What strategic planners need to know in the age of uncertainty, 12 May 2022, Imperial College London. Abstract.
  • Info-Gap Theory: An Overview, 10 May 2022, University of Bristol, UK. Abstract.
  • What strategic planners need to know in the age of uncertainty, ICORES 2022, (11th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems), 3-5 February 2022, Vienna, Austria. Abstract. Link to recording. Link to pdf of slides.
  • Interpreting averages, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering seminar, 14:30, 5 July 2021, remotely by zoom, Presented in English. Link to abstract here.
  • Strategic Planning for Defense and Security: An Info-Gap Approach, Military Operations Research Society, 25 March 2021. Remotely by zoom. Abstract.
  • Innovation Dilemmas: An Info-Gap Perspective, 17.2.2021, Virtual Conference on Epistemic Uncertainty in Engineering. Conference site. Link to the abstract here or here.
  • Ethics and uncertainty: An info-gap approach, 18 January 2021, 14:30-15:30, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technion. Abstract. Remotely by zoom,
  • Puzzles and policies in financial economics: Info-gap approaches, Free University, Amsterdam, Remotely by ZOOM, 13.11.2020. 13:00-14:00 CET. Abstract.
  • Managing deep uncertainty in development and humanitarian aid: An info-gap approach, Palacký  University Olomouc (Dept of Development and Environmental Studies) and Caritas College Olomouc (students of social and humanitarian work), Czech Republic. Remotely by ZOOM, 20 October 2020. Abstract.
  • Decisions under deep uncertainty in theoretical biology and biomedical research: Info-gap perspectives, Molecular and Cellular Biology Department, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, remotely by zoom, 9 September 2020. Abstract.
  • Managing strategic uncertainty in defence and international relations: An info-gap perspective, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow, 20 May 2020. Remotely, by zoom. Abstract.
  • Strategic planning for defense and security: An info-gap approach, Royal United Services Institute, London, 7.5.2020. Cancelled due to Corona pandemic. To be re-scheduled. Abstract.
  • Innovation dilemmas: An info-gap perspective, with applications to water supply design, Department of Water Management, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Technical University of Delft, 12.3.2020. Cancelled due to Corona pandemic. Abstract. 
  • Info-gap theory: Methodology and preliminary applications to distribution networks, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, University College Dublin, Ireland, 9.3.2020. Abstract.
  • What’s your next invention in UAV propulsion? Innovation and the challenge of uncertainty, Plenary lecture, 9th Conference on Propulsion Technologies for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Haifa, Israel, January 30, 2020. Abstract.
  • “As our island of our knowledge grows, so does the shore of our ignorance”, 4th International Workshop on Validation of Computational Mechanics Models, Zurich, 5.11.2019. Abstract. Link to the Program.
  • Info-Gap Theory: An Overview, FEMTO-ST Institute, Université de Franche-Comté, 23 September 2019. Abstract.
  • Info-Gap theory: An overview – Engineering design and seismic safety, Èlectricitè de France, Paris, 12.9.2019. Abstract.
  • Strategic planning for acute adverse multi-site events: An info-gap analysis, Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London, 3 July 2019. Abstract.
  • Changing conflicts: Methodological implications for strategic thinking, Changing Character of War Conference: The Conduct of War – Past, Present and Future, Pembroke College, University of Oxford, 26-28.6.2019. Abstract.
  • Risk management approach to deal with uncertainty in r*, with Jan Willem Van den End (DNB), Joint De Nederlandsche Bank/European Central Bank workshop on the natural rate of interest, DNB, Amsterdam, 16-17.5.2019. Abstract.
  • Uncertainty and the End of Science, Faculty of Education in Science and Technology, Technion, 16.4.2019. Abstract.
  • Consensus or pluralism in intelligence assessment? A methodological response, International Studies Association Annual conference, Toronto, 27-30.3.2019. Abstract.
  • Deep uncertainty: Info-gap theory and the method of robustness, (in Hebrew) Horizon Scanning Forum, Ministry of Intelligence, State of Israel. 13.3.2019. Abstract.
  • Public risk management: An info-gap approach, Research, Economy and Strategy Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, State of Israel. 25.2.2019.
  • Strategic planning under deep uncertainty: An info-gap approach. RAFAEL, 21.1.2019. Abstract.
  • Making decisions – important ones! – when you don’t know what’s going on. Administrative staff colloquium, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technion. 19.12.2018.
  • Dynamics of cascading failure from an info-gap perspective. International Workshop on Cascading Disasters: Theory, Methods and Empirics Technion, Israel, 28.11.2018.
  • Strategic planning for emergency readiness: An info-gap approach (in Hebrew), National Knowledge and Research Center for Emergency Readiness, University of Haifa, 1.11.2018. Abstract.
  • What strategic planners need to know in the age of uncertainty, Workshop on Strategic Uncertainty in National Security, 26 June 2018, Samuel Neaman Institute, Technion. Workshop website.
  • Strategic Planning under Severe Uncertainty: An Info-Gap Perspective, Conference on Risks & Uncertainties in Systems Engineering, 16.1.2018, Gordon Center, Butler Auditorium, Technion. Abstract.
  • Strategic Planning in Defense and Intelligence: An Info-Gap Approach, Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), Tel Aviv, 22.11.2017. Abstract.
  • Morality, Uncertainty and Policy, Annual Meeting of the Society for Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty, 14 November 2017, University of Oxford. Abstract.
  • Info-Gap Demo: Model and Manage Functional Uncertainty, Training Day, Annual Meeting of the Society for Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty, 14 November 2017, University of Oxford. Abstract.
  • Strategic planning in defense and intelligence: An info-gap approach, Strategic & Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University, Canberra, 18.9.2017. Abstract. Link to podcast and slides.
  • The innovation dilemma: Uncertainty and economic policy,  Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, Australia, 25.8.2017. Abstract.
  • Does a better model yield a better argument? An info-gap analysis, Workshop on Prediction of Rare Events, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 17–18 August 2017. Abstract.
  • High-Consequence Decision Making in Defense, Intelligence and Government: An Info-Gap Approach, Australian Army Research Centre, Canberra, Australia. 11 August 2017. Abstract.
  • High-Consequence Decision Making in Defense, Intelligence and Government: An Info-Gap Approach, Terrorism Studies program at Charles Sturt University, Canberra, Australia. 10 August 2017. Abstract.  Official announcement here.
  • Innovation, Optimization and their Dilemmas: An Info-Gap Perspective, Workshop on Uncertainty and Decision, Decision Sciences Group, HEC Paris, 22-24.5.2017. Abstract.
  • The innovation dilemma in the age of technology: An info-gap perspective, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rice University, Houston, 7 March 2017. Abstract.
  • The Innovation Dilemma: Uncertainty and Economic Policy, Dept of Economics, City University, London, 8.2.2017. Abstract. Click here for slides.
  • Decision making in defense and military affairs: An Info-gap approach, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL), Fareham, Hampshire, U.K., 7.2.2017. Abstract.
  • The Innovation Dilemma: Uncertainty and Economic Policy, The Netherlands Central Bank, Amsterdam, 24.1.2017. Abstract. Click here for slides.
  • Optimization and its Limits: An Info-Gap Perspective, Institute for Risk and Uncertainty, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, 16.1.2017. Abstract. Click here for slides.
  • The Innovation Dilemma: Uncertainty and Economic Policy, Bank of England, London, 14.12.2016. Abstract. Click here for the slides.
  • Info-Gap Theory: Concepts and Applications,  Interdisciplinary Centre for Conservation Science (ICCS), Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, 8.12.2016. Abstract. Click here for the slides.
  • Info-Gap Theory: Concepts and Applications, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK, 2.12.2016. Abstract. Click here for the slides.
  • Info-Gap Theory: Concepts and Applications, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 14.11.2016. Abstract. Click here for Slides.
  • Policy for Environmental Change: Info-Gap Response to Uncertainty,  Anniversary Seminar Series, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, 2.11.2016. Abstract. Click here for Slides.
  • The Innovation Dilemma: Uncertainty and the Paradox of Universalism, University of Durham, Durham, UK, 27.10.2016. Abstract. Click here for Slides.
  • Info-Gap Theory and Its Applications: Two Lectures, EDF – R&D, Industrial Risk Management Department, Chatou, France, 20.9. 2016. Abstract.
  • High Consequence Decisions with Severe Uncertainty: An Info-Gap Approach to Policy Prioritization, Director’s Colloquium, Los Alamos National Laboratories, 2 February 2016. Abstract.
  • Managing Innovation Dilemmas in Military Decision Making, 4th session of: Managing and Exploiting Uncertainty: In Light of the Report ‘IDF Strategy’. Dado Center for Interdisciplinary Thought, Israel Defense Force, 7.1.2016.
  • The Innovation Dilemma: Uncertainty and Optimization, Department of Biosciences, Group on Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Science, University of Melbourne, 13:00, Friday, 14.8.2015. Abstract.
  • Clausewitz, Hayek, Popper and the Revolution in Military Affairs: An epistemological critique, Departments of Philosophy and Psychology, joint lecture, Australian National University, Canberra, 16:00, 6 August 2015. Abstract.
  • Managing Uncertainty in Intelligence Analysis: An Info-Gap Perspective, CSU Intelligence Studies Program, Canberra, Australia. 17:30, 5 August 2015. Abstract.
  • Info-Gap Theory: Potential Applications in Library Science, Department of Information Science, Bar-Ilan University, 17:00, Wednesday 6 May 2015, Abstract.
  • Operational Introduction Info-Gap Decision Theory (The Gap-Zapper’s Guided Tour), Workshop on Decision Analysis for Natural Hazards, University of Oxford, 10-11 March 2015.
  • Uncertainty and the Paradox of Universalism in Military Strategy, Dept. of Politics and International Relations, University of Reading, 10:00, 5 March 2015. Abstract.
  • Uncertainty and Deterrence, International Studies Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, 18-21 February 2015. Abstract.
  • The Innovation Dilemma: Uncertainty and the Paradox of Universalism, Dept. of Political Science, Columbia University, 13 Feb 2015, 12:00, Abstract.
  • Info-Gap Approaches to Planning for an Uncertain Future, Ort-Braude, Carmiel, 8 December 2014. Abstract.
  • Info-Gap Approaches to Planning for an Uncertain Future, Frontiers of Geosciences Lecture Series, Los Alamos National Laboratories, 25 August 2014. Abstract.
  • Innovation, uncertainty, and their dilemmas: An info-gap perspective, Conference on model-based design, validation, and monitoring of structures under severe uncertainty, 26-27.6.2014, Besancon, France. Abstract.
  • Military decisions under severe uncertainty: Application of info-gap theory, Forum for Military and Security Affairs, Tel Aviv, 7.1.2014, (in Hebrew). Abstract.
  • Some info-gap approaches to planning for an uncertain future, Workshop on Decision Making under Uncertainty, Invited lecture, World Bank, Washington, D.C., 5 November 2013. Abstract.
  • Model-based planning for an uncertain future: Info-gap theory and some applications, Engineering Management and Systems Engineering Department, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., 4 November 2013. Abstract.
  • Strategic implications of military decisions under uncertainty, National Security Studies Center, University of Haifa, 29 October 2013. Abstract.
  • Info-Gap Theory: Making Decisions Under Uncertainty in Managing Safety and Reliability, (in Hebrew), Society of Safety Engineers, Annual Meeting, Eilat, Israel, 28 October 2013. Abstract.
  • Info-gap analysis and design of structures: A tutorial, invited lecture, IMAC-XXXI (Intl. Modal Analysis Conference), Garden Grove, CA, 11-14 February 2013. Abstract.
  • Info-gap methods for environmental monitoring and management, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos NM, 6 February 2013. Abstract.
  • Survival Under Uncertain Competition: Info-Gap Applications to Ecology and Conservation, Dept. of Biology, University of California, Riverside, 6 December 2012. Abstract.
  • Prediction and Planning Under Severe Uncertainty: Potential Applications of Info-Gap Theory to the Energy Sectors, 19 November 2012, Tahal Group, Tel Aviv. Abstract.
  • Model-Based Planning for an Uncertain Future: An Info-Gap Approach, 12 September 2012, NASA-Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia. Abstract
  • Model-Based Planning for an Uncertain Future: An Info-Gap Approach, 4 September 2012, San Francisco Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers, East Bay Municipal Utility District, Oakland CA. Abstract
  • Why Reliability Analysis is Difficult And Some Thoughts on How to Proceed, 2 July 2012, Workshop on Reliability Engineering: 40 Years of the Rafael Reliability Center. Abstract.
  • Model-Based Design and Planning: An Info-Gap Approach, Rafael, 17 May 2012. Abstract.
  • Info-Gap Robust-Satisficing and the Probability of Survival, Department of Evolutionary and Environmental Biology, University of Haifa, 9 May 2012. Abstract.
  • Planning for an unknown future: Info-gap approach to managing uncertainties, (in Hebrew), The Manufacturers Association of Israel, Technion. 30 April 2012.
  • Uncertainty and the End of Science, Dept of Physics, Technion, 19 April 2012. Abstract.
  • Why Environmental Planning is so Difficult, and What to Do About it, Dept of Environmental Engineering, Technion, 18 April 2012. Abstract.
  • Model-Based Planning for an Uncertain Future: An Info-Gap Approach, Josef Ressel Centre for Optimisation under Uncertainty, University of Applied Sciences, Dornbirn, Austria, 27 Feb 2012. Abstract.
  • No-Failure Design and Disaster Recovery. Lessons from Fukushima, invited plenary lecture, Israel Nuclear Society Conference, Dead Sea, Israel, 22 Feb 2012. Abstract. Short essay.
  • Info-Gap Analysis and Design of Structures: A Tutorial, invited lecture, IMAC-XXX Conference & Exposition on Structural Dynamics, Jacksonville, Florida, January 30, 2012. Abstract.
  • Redundancy and Robustness, Or, When is Redundancy Redundant? Israel Structural Integrity Group (ISIG) Symposium, 11 January 2012, Tel Aviv University. Abstract.
  • Uncertainty Quantification: An Info-Gap Approach to Design and Decision, Int’l Workshop on Validation of Computational Solid Mechanics Models, 18-20 October 2011, Shanghai, China. Abstract.
  • Model-Based Planning for an Uncertain Future: An Info-Gap Approach, plenary lecture, Japan Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, JCOSSAR2011, Tokyo, 12-14 October 2011. Abstract.
  • Info-Gaps and Decisions Under Severe Uncertainty: Theory and Applications, Advanced Technical Center-Israel, General Motors-Research & Development, 20 September 2011, Herzliya, Israel. Abstract.
  • Info-Gaps and Decisions Under Severe Uncertainty: Theory and Applications, IBM Research Analytics Department, Haifa, Israel, 28 March 2011. Abstract.
  • Models and Forecasts Under Severe Uncertainty: Info-Gap Approaches, Dept. of Resource Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 22 February 2011. Abstract.
  • Economic Puzzles and Policies: Info-Gap Approaches, Dept. of Economics, University of New Hampshire, 18 February 2011. Abstract.
  • Info-Gaps and Strategic Planning: Theory and Applications, Applied Biomathematics, Setauket, NY, 15 February 2011. Abstract.
  • Info-Gaps and Strategic Planning: Theory and Applications, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Dept. of Systems Engineering and Operational Research, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, 9 February 2011. Abstract.
  • Information-Gap Approaches for Models and Forecasts Under Severe Uncertainty, 25 January 2011, Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM. Abstract.
  • Why Design and Planning is so Difficult, and What to Do About it, Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos NM, 24 January 2011. Abstract.
  • Information-Gap Approaches for Models and Forecasts Under Severe Uncertainty, 13 January 2011, Strategic Computing Center, Los Alamos National Labs. Abstract.
  • Economic Puzzles and Policies: Info-Gap Approaches, Dept of Economics, Rice University, Houston, 3 December 2010. Abstract.
  • Info-Gaps and Strategic Planning: Theory and Applications, Texas A&M, College Station, 15 November 2010. Abstract.
  • Why design and planning is so difficult, and what to do about it, Rice University, Houston, 26 October 2010.
  • Info-gap Economics: An Overview of Policy Analysis, Dept of Economics, University of Houston, 15:30, 13 October 2010. Abstract.
  • Economic and Public Policy Formulation: Applications of Info-gap Theory, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica CA, 27 Sept 2010. Abstract.
  • Info-gap Economics: An Overview of Policy Analysis, Dept of Economics, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 15:00, 15 Sept 2010. Abstract.
  • Info-Gap Theory in Ecology: New Directions for Modelling, Inference and Planning, ACERA, Australian Centre for Excellence in Risk Analysis, 14:00, 20 August 2010. Abstract.
  • Info-Gap Theory and Its Applications in Engineering Modelling and Design, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, 22 July 2010. Abstract, outline and refs. Something in Japanese.
  • Forecasting with Poor Data and Models: An Info-Gap Approach, Third Workshop on Game-Theoretic Probability and Related Topics, 21-23 June 2010, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey, UK
  • Why design and planning is so difficult, and what to do about it. A tour of info-gap decision theory, Grey College, Durham University, 15 June 2010. Abstract.
  • Info-gap Theory for Modelling and Managing Ecological Processes, Symposium on Populations under Pressure (PuP), Imperial College London, Silwood Park Campus, 9-11 June 2010. Abstract.
  • Robust-Satisficing and the Probability of Survival, Dept of Mathematical Sciences, Durham University, 2 June 2010. Abstract.
  • Info-gap Theory and Its Applications in Engineering Modelling and Design, 24 May 2010, Rolls-Royce, Derby, U.K. Abstract.
  • Info-gap Theory: Overview and Application to Fault Diagnosis, BAE Systems, Filton, UK, 12 May 2010. Abstract.
  • Info-Gap Theory for Strategic Planning Under Severe Uncertainty: Applications to Pollution Control Policy, Informatics Seminar Series, University of Exeter. 11 May 2010. Abstract.
  • Robust-Satisficing and the Probability of Survival, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sheffield, 22 April 2010. Abstract.
  • Info-gap Theory for Strategic Planning Under Severe Uncertainty: Applications to Climate Change Policy, 7 April 2010, Bristol Environmental Risk Research Centre (BRISK), Bristol University. Abstract.
  • Info-gap Theory: Overview of Modelling, Inference, and Design, 24 March 2010, Department of Bacteriology and Immunology, Haartman Institute, University of Helsinki. Abstract.
  • Info-gap Theory and Its Applications in Ecology and Biological Conservation, 19 March 2010, Dept. Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki. Abstract.

Older Lectures